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Find Us

Opening Hours


Monday  -  Friday

7:00am - 4pm Branxton, Thornton & Maitland


Saturday -

7:30am - 12.30pm (Branxton & Thornton)

7:00am - 3:00pm (Maitland)

Please Note - Our machinery gets packed away 10 minutes prior to close - Please arrive prior to this if you require a bulk load. 


219 New England Highway
Thornton NSW 2322
(02) 4966 1552


85 New England Highway
Branxton NSW 2335
(02) 4938 3669


30 High St
Maitland NSW 2320
(02) 4934 1814

How to find us in Thornton

1. When you turn off the New England Highway, drive to the end of the service road.
2. Take the middle driveway to go straight to our office and parking.
3. If we’re not out and about in the yard, you’ll find us in the office.

How to find us in Branxton

1. Head through the main street of Branxton Township (West towards Singleton)
2. We are on the right hand side next door to Branxton Engineering

How to find us in Maitland


Contact Us


219 New England Highway
(02) 4966 1552


85 New England Highway
(02) 4938 3669


30 High St
(02) 4934 1814



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